Getting Started


The code is hosted on GitHub. No python package has been eleased so far, so abridger should be installed with python’s pip installer.

If you don’t have pip installed, run:

$ sudo easy_install pip

Root installation

Install from github

$ git clone
$ cd abridger
$ sudo python install

Or alternatively, you can do it in one step:

$ sudo pip install git+

If you wish to use postgresql, install the psycopg2 package:

$ sudo pip install psycopg2

Non-root installation

If you would rather not install it as root, you can use virtualenv to install a local copy

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install git+

If you want to use postgresql
$ pip install psycopg2

Quick start

In the following example, a test sqlite3 database will be created with some tables and some data. An extraction is shown using all relations as a default.

Create a test database

Create a file called test-input.sql and put the following in it:

CREATE TABLE departments (
    name TEXT

CREATE TABLE employees (
    name TEXT,
    department_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES departments

INSERT INTO departments (id, name) VALUES
    (1, 'Research'),
    (2, 'Accounting');

INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES
    (1, 'John', 1),
    (2, 'Jane', 1),
    (3, 'Janet', 2);

Load test-input.sql into an sqlite3 database called test-db.sqlite3

$ sqlite3 test-db.sqlite3 < test-input.sql

The contents of the test database

$ sqlite3 -header -column test-db.sqlite3 'SELECT e.*, as department_name FROM employees e join departments d on ( ORDER by id;'

id          name        department_id  department_name
----------  ----------  -------------  ---------------
1           John        1              Research
2           Jane        1              Research
3           Janet       2              Accounting

Create an extraction config file

In this example, we’ll fetch the Research department, which will also fetch all employees in it. Create a file called getting-started-config.yaml and put the following in it:

- relations:
  - { defaults: everything}
- subject:
  - tables:
    - {table: departments, column: name, values: Research}

Run abridger

$ abridge-db getting-started-config.yaml sqlite:///test-db.sqlite3 -f test-output.sql

Connecting to sqlite:///test-db.sqlite3
Extraction completed: fetched rows=4, tables=2, queries=3, depth=2, duration=0.0 seconds
Writing SQL for 3 inserts and 0 updates in 2 tables...


$ cat test-output.sql

INSERT INTO departments (id, name) VALUES(1, 'Research');
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES(1, 'John', 1);
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES(2, 'Jane', 1);

Running abridger

Usage: abridge-db [-h] [-u URL] [-f FILE] [-e] [-q] [-v] CONFIG_PATH SRC_URL

positional arguments:

CONFIG_PATH path to extraction config file
SRC_URL source database url

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL
 destination database url
-f FILE, --file FILE
 destination database file. Use - for stdout
-e, --explain explain where rows are coming from
-q, --quiet don’t output anything
-v, --verbose verbose output

Unless --explain is being used, exactly one of --file and --url must be specified. Use --file - to output the SQL results to stdout.

Note that using --explain is very inefficient since the extractor will do one query for each row.


Extract data from a postgresql database and add it to another

abridge-db config.yaml postgresql://user@localhost/test -u postgresql://user@localhost/abridged_test

Extract data from a postgresql database and write an sql file

abridge-db config.yaml postgresql://user@localhost/test -f test-postgresql.sql

Extract data from a sqlite3 database and output SQL to stdout

abridge-db config.yaml sqlite:///test-db.sqlite3 -q -f -