Getting Started


The code is hosted on GitHub. Abridger should be installed with python’s pip installer.

If you don’t have pip installed, run:

$ sudo easy_install pip

Root installation

Installation using pip

$ sudo pip install abridger

Install from github

$ git clone
$ cd abridger
$ sudo python install

Or alternatively, you can do it in one step:

$ sudo pip install git+

If you wish to use postgresql, install the psycopg2 package:

$ sudo pip install psycopg2

Non-root installation

If you would rather not install it as root, you can use virtualenv to install a local copy

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install abridger

If you want to use postgresql
$ pip install psycopg2

Quick start

In the following example, a test sqlite3 database will be created with some tables and some data. An extraction is shown using all relations as a default.

Create a test database

Create a file called test-input.sql and put the following in it:

CREATE TABLE departments (
    name TEXT

CREATE TABLE employees (
    name TEXT,
    department_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES departments

INSERT INTO departments (id, name) VALUES
    (1, 'Research'),
    (2, 'Accounting');

INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES
    (1, 'John', 1),
    (2, 'Jane', 1),
    (3, 'Janet', 2);

Load test-input.sql into an sqlite3 database called test-db.sqlite3

$ sqlite3 test-db.sqlite3 < test-input.sql

The contents of the test database

$ sqlite3 -header -column test-db.sqlite3 'SELECT e.*, as department_name FROM employees e join departments d on ( ORDER by id;'

id          name        department_id  department_name
----------  ----------  -------------  ---------------
1           John        1              Research
2           Jane        1              Research
3           Janet       2              Accounting

Create an extraction config file

In this example, we’ll fetch the Research department, which will also fetch all employees in it. Create a file called getting-started-config.yaml and put the following in it:

- relations:
  - { defaults: everything}
- subject:
  - tables:
    - {table: departments, column: name, values: Research}

Run abridger

$ abridge-db getting-started-config.yaml sqlite:///test-db.sqlite3 -f test-output.sql

Connecting to sqlite:///test-db.sqlite3
Extraction completed: fetched rows=4, tables=2, queries=3, depth=2, duration=0.0 seconds
Writing SQL for 3 inserts and 0 updates in 2 tables...


$ cat test-output.sql

INSERT INTO departments (id, name) VALUES(1, 'Research');
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES(1, 'John', 1);
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES(2, 'Jane', 1);

Running abridger

Usage: abridge-db [-h] [-u URL] [-f FILE] [-e] [-q] [-v] CONFIG_PATH SRC_URL

positional arguments:

CONFIG_PATH path to extraction config file
SRC_URL source database url

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL
 destination database url
-f FILE, --file FILE
 destination database file. Use - for stdout
-e, --explain explain where rows are coming from
-q, --quiet don’t output anything
-v, --verbose verbose output

Unless --explain is being used, exactly one of --file and --url must be specified. Use --file - to output the SQL results to stdout.

Note that using --explain is very inefficient since the extractor will do one query for each row.


Extract data from a postgresql database and add it to another

abridge-db config.yaml postgresql://user@localhost/test -u postgresql://user@localhost/abridged_test

Extract data from a postgresql database and write an sql file

abridge-db config.yaml postgresql://user@localhost/test -f test-postgresql.sql

Extract data from a sqlite3 database and output SQL to stdout

abridge-db config.yaml sqlite:///test-db.sqlite3 -q -f -