Compound Foreign Keys


CREATE TABLE buildings (
    id1 INTEGER,
    id2 INTEGER,
    name TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY(id1, id2)

CREATE TABLE departments (
    id1 INTEGER,
    id2 INTEGER,
    name TEXT,
    building1_id INTEGER,
    building2_id INTEGER,
    FOREIGN KEY(building1_id, building2_id) REFERENCES buildings,
    UNIQUE(id1, id2)

CREATE TABLE employees (
    id1 INTEGER,
    id2 INTEGER,
    name TEXT,
    department1_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    department2_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(id1, id2),
    FOREIGN KEY(department1_id, department2_id) REFERENCES departments(id1, id2)

INSERT INTO buildings (id1, id2, name) VALUES
    (1, 1, 'London'),
    (2, 2, 'Paris');

INSERT INTO departments (id1, id2, name, building1_id, building2_id) VALUES
    (1, 1, 'Research', 1, 1),
    (2, 2, 'Accounting', NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO employees (id1, id2, name, department1_id, department2_id) VALUES
    (1, 1, 'John', 1, 1 ),
    (2, 2, 'Jane', 1, 1),
    (3, 3, 'Janet', 2, 2);

Compound Foreign Keys

This extremely convoluted example shows that compound key support is built in. Relations can also be used, but only one column is matched in the foreign key.


- relations:
  - {defaults: everything}
- subject:
  - tables:
    - {table: departments}

Explain output

departments* -> departments.(id1,id2)=1,1 -> buildings.(id1,id2)=(1,1)
departments* -> departments.(id1,id2)=1,1 -> employees.(department1_id,department2_id)=(1,1)
departments* -> departments.(id1,id2)=2,2 -> employees.(department1_id,department2_id)=(2,2)
departments* -> departments.(id1,id2)=1,1 -> buildings.(id1,id2)=(1,1) -> buildings.(id1,id2)=1,1 -> departments.(building1_id,building2_id)=(1,1)
departments* -> departments.(id1,id2)=1,1 -> employees.(department1_id,department2_id)=(1,1) -> employees.(id1,id2)=1,1 -> departments.(id1,id2)=(1,1)
departments* -> departments.(id1,id2)=2,2 -> employees.(department1_id,department2_id)=(2,2) -> employees.(id1,id2)=3,3 -> departments.(id1,id2)=(2,2)


INSERT INTO buildings (id1, id2, name) VALUES(1, 1, 'London');
INSERT INTO departments (id1, id2, name, building1_id, building2_id) VALUES(1, 1, 'Research', 1, 1);
INSERT INTO departments (id1, id2, name, building1_id, building2_id) VALUES(2, 2, 'Accounting', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO employees (id1, id2, name, department1_id, department2_id) VALUES(1, 1, 'John', 1, 1);
INSERT INTO employees (id1, id2, name, department1_id, department2_id) VALUES(2, 2, 'Jane', 1, 1);
INSERT INTO employees (id1, id2, name, department1_id, department2_id) VALUES(3, 3, 'Janet', 2, 2);